Friday, December 12, 2008


A review from my small group leader:

"The next challenge would be to work on expanding both integration and analysis. Both are good at the current time, but given Mr. Khattar's obvious intellect and work ethic, I would encourage him to aim even a bit higher."

This guy obviously doesn't know me.


Boy, I've gotten kinda busy and have started to neglect this thing.

Currently in a class called CSF (no, not the California Scholarship Federation or even Cerebral Spinal Fluid, it's Cell Structure and Function). I was actually really looking forward to this class, and I enjoy the material, but the way they're testing us is not cool. I don't like the exam questions, but whatever, I'll need to learn to adjust to this like I'll need to learn how to adjust to everything else going on in life.

I've been told by many a people of and going into the medical field to read the book, "House of God," and now that I've read about 90% of it I don't know if it was a good idea. It bothers me, and it has disturbed my mood. It's too real, it's too unfortunate, but it's a well written book and contains a lot of comedy. If you're not in the medical field you should take a stab at it.

I've gone to a couple concerts since we last spoke -
Blind Pilot and the Nick Jaina band - cool bands, I'm in love with Blind Pilot.
Trampled by Turtles - a bluegrass concert that I don't remember much of because of the Portland Holiday Ale Fesitval
Thao and the Get Down Stay Down - Amazing as always
next week I'm going to see Blind Pilot again.

sometimes I feel like i'm neglecting my studies and not taking medical school very seriously, and it's actually slightly making me worried. I'm glad some of my classmates are really into medicine - they'll be very knowledgeable doctors! however I don't think that medicine can be my life - I would be very depressed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Parties, Concerts, Neighbors

The end of anatomy was pretty epic - I got puke on my car (not in) to say the least.

Boy oh boy has it been a fun week, and it's not over yet!

Friday night friends and I watched the new 007 (not as good as the previous one, but still action packed and exciting!)
Then we got pumpkin milk-shakes from Burgerville (kind of the In&Out of Portland, but not nearly as good from what I hear).
- Hotel Cafe Tour 2008 - was awesome. Thao Nguyen and Emily Wells were my favorite that night, and Lenka, Meiko, Rachel Yamagata, and Catherine Feeny.

You should definitely check out the website, even though the tour is ending on Tuesday -

Saturday I got some frisbee, tennis, and sleep in. Followed by poker, food, drink, and partying. Met the neighbors for the first time and boy are they funny. They're undergraduates in Lewis and Clark and Portland State, and this morning when I woke up I saw a "Good Morning" note written to me on her window. I responded with a "Have a Great Day!" sign.

Sunday, the weather is amazing. I soaked in the Mt. Hood view for a good 20 minutes when I woke up this morning. The rest of the day will be for work/studying and climbing. Blind Pilot and Nick Jaina concert tonight!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NOV. 4th, 2008. A DAY IN HISTORY!

Today has been a great day.

It started off sort of slow, but escalated to greatness.

After Spanish class, we watched both candidates speeches (woo Obama!), and then proceeded to downtown to join the rally!

We luckily found a drum circle group who was walking up and down Broadway and joined them with our pots and pans, contributing to the music. After watching 10 or so blocks, we ended up at Pioneer Courthouse Square and my friends and I became the center of the party (after the drum circle left)!! I wish I had photos. I started a conga line, a jump, pot banging, etc. We got the crowd riled up!!! It was pretty darn amazing, and I was able to celebrate with some awesome friends. I can't imagine this sort of event happening anywhere else, but I'm sure it's happening everywhere in the USA!


the link to our fiesta!! I'm on the bottom left.

here's a photo so you don't have to look it up if you don't want to read the article:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday Night at the ER

I'm on my way home from an IAMA meeting (Indo-American Medical Association) and I get a call informing me that my good friend CD is stuck in the ER because of severe pain.

Man, what a bummer.

So the JAM house decides to bring the party to the ER! We brought a DVD player and Be Kind, Rewind, and some snacks to keep him entertained. I felt horrible though, because he looked miserable and it's tough to see CD miserable because it's just not natural - It's like seeing bears drinking tea out of teacups with their pinky's raised.

My favorites at OHSU!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008!

Boy oh boy, what a halloween. I usually don't do anything spectacular, but this year I was convinced to be the Indian of the village people.

that was a great friday night, with lots of laughs. we also won 2nd place at the costume contest! yea we're awesome.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


this past weekend I took a trip up to Seattle with some of my classmates to visit a friend and also explore a new city.

Overall it was a fun trip, some highlights:

- having some brownies and then playing in the park swings, and falling off.
- chilling at some bar/lounges
- walking around aimlessly in the freezing cold
- 2:30 am nachos
- World-record breaking Thriller dance party at 11 a.m. in the morning (we were only there for 10 minutes, but it was an awesome choreographed dance)
- Pike Place
- Fantastic Brie sandwich
- Throwing around nerf football
- Seattle City Center Fountain blasting in conjunction to Beethoven's 9th symphony
- Wandering around the city by myself for hours
- Pool (not swimming)
- 2:00 am nachos, brownies, and cards
- "You know what's cool? Spaceships."