Friday, December 12, 2008


Boy, I've gotten kinda busy and have started to neglect this thing.

Currently in a class called CSF (no, not the California Scholarship Federation or even Cerebral Spinal Fluid, it's Cell Structure and Function). I was actually really looking forward to this class, and I enjoy the material, but the way they're testing us is not cool. I don't like the exam questions, but whatever, I'll need to learn to adjust to this like I'll need to learn how to adjust to everything else going on in life.

I've been told by many a people of and going into the medical field to read the book, "House of God," and now that I've read about 90% of it I don't know if it was a good idea. It bothers me, and it has disturbed my mood. It's too real, it's too unfortunate, but it's a well written book and contains a lot of comedy. If you're not in the medical field you should take a stab at it.

I've gone to a couple concerts since we last spoke -
Blind Pilot and the Nick Jaina band - cool bands, I'm in love with Blind Pilot.
Trampled by Turtles - a bluegrass concert that I don't remember much of because of the Portland Holiday Ale Fesitval
Thao and the Get Down Stay Down - Amazing as always
next week I'm going to see Blind Pilot again.

sometimes I feel like i'm neglecting my studies and not taking medical school very seriously, and it's actually slightly making me worried. I'm glad some of my classmates are really into medicine - they'll be very knowledgeable doctors! however I don't think that medicine can be my life - I would be very depressed.

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