Sunday, August 24, 2008


I finished! It was a tough 28 hours, but definitely worth it. I'm even considering doing it again next year.

All it took was:

- 3 bananas
- 2 apples
- 1/2 bottle of powerade
- 10 bottles of water
- 1 emergen-C
- 5 cliff bars
- 3 cliff shots (that gooey carb stuff)
- 1 PB&J sandwich
- 1 1/2 hours of sleep
- 1 bloody toe
- 2 blisters on my feet

Looking back, that isn't bad at all! My legs aren't too sore at the moment (I just biked to Powell's bookstore to use the internet since the neighbors haven't been home for a couple days and they seriously need to reset their router), but my foot got hurt somehow I need to rest it. So no more running for a couple days! I just have to start swimming again.

1 comment:

Farheen said...

I'm still excited for you and this accomplishment!!